On 18th of July Visesa will hold a drawing in order to allocate the 104 subsidised homes that will be built on SI-02 plot in Zorrotzaurre


On 18th of July Visesa will hold a drawing in order to allocate the 104 subsidised homes that will be built on SI-02 plot in Zorrotzaurre


On Thursday 18th of July Visesa (Public society for the promotion of public protection housing and urban rehabilitation in Euskadi) is going to hold a drawing before a Notary, for the requests admitted to the procedure, in order to allocate the 104 controlled price flats that will be located on SI-02 area in Zorrotzaurre.

This raffle will be broadcast live on streaming in Irekia website: www.irekia.euskadi.eus.

People that might present themselves as candidates to this allocation: those persons that had annual earnings in 2017 of between €12.000 and €50.000; as well as disabled, personas with reduced mobility or mental disability that had accredited minimum earnings of €3.000; finally, women victims of gender violence have not been required to accredit any minimum earnings.

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